Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Well it has been awhile but I am back. I need to do this more often since i enjoy talking about sports, but i just dont make the time. I have been busy on my own with work and then playin as much tennis and golf as possible. In any event, there is a lot going on now in the world of sports. My two loves of college football and basketball are done for now so I am feeling a little empty at this point. I could see myself getting into college baseball but the coverage just isnt there. The NBA playoffs are now in hot pursuit. I cant tell you enough how I miss the days of Jordan, Bird, Magic, Barkley and so on. That was some good basketball. I know I am getting old when i speak of these guys as being the ones I grew up watching. The NBA has gotten a little better the last couple of years but it will never reach those heights again. The talk all season was about the Suns and the Mavericks and which one would win the championship once they got through each other. Well the Mavs were ousted early by the Warriors and it just proves my point that an MVP of a league should be decided after the season is completely over, not before the playoffs begin. Sorry Dirk, but you really are a big sissy sometimes and you pissed down your leg in the playoffs. Winners are tough and they want the basketball. Take your skirt off and come back next season. The Spurs are showing everyone that they are still a powerhouse in the west. The Jazz quietly have moved their way into the western conference finals. Jerry Sloan is the best basketball coach in the NBA and nobody can tell me any different. Yes I know he doesnt have a ring, but he does the best coaching with what he has to work with. Does anyone else see a resemblance with the way Lebron is coming along compared to Jordan yet? He is no Jordan yet, but there are similarities there. He is gradually making his team better and gradually getting further into the playoffs. He just might end up seeing the pistons soon as well. It took Jordan awhile to get over that pistons hump as well. If you want my opinion, I do see the Spurs beating the Pistons in the finals if you want a prediction from me at this point.

America's favorite past time is underway and we only have about 125 regular season games to go. Oh how time flies. My cubbies are showing signs of improvement and could possibly at least get a wildcard playing in the weak central division. Everyone in Ann Arbor keeps reminding me that the Tigers are really really good. I dont disagree with that, but most of those people didnt give a rats ass about them 2 or 3 years ago. Getting into the playoffs again would be a huge accomplishment in the toughest division in baseball. I know Indian fans are excited with the team they have this season, but lets get real folks. No world series quite yet. Being a Cubs fan I feel the pain a lot more than you do. I am diehard and I stick with them no matter what, so leave me alone. That is rare these days.

Curt Schilling has managed to get his name mentioned a few thousand times a day lately. He has done a lot of back pedalling also. He had said that Barry Bonds admitted to taking steroids, cheating on his wife, and cheating on his taxes. I know people have their opinions on this, but Barry didnt ever admit to any of these things. I dont know who is dumber here, Curt for saying it, or the dude on the radio agreeing with everything he said. Curt says a lot of stupid things and then he always admits later that he is a moron.

Once again the yankees lead the headlines by signing Roger Clemens. I guess I dont care because if any team needs pitching help and has the money, it is the yankees, but I am sorry, this is a disgrace to baseball and any profession for that matter. I would love to walk up to my supervisor tomorrow and say, you guys can keep me, but I need every friday off to be with my family and play golf. I also will be leaving at noon monday through thursday. It makes me sick, that a guy like this who is a definite hall of famer acts like this. I know there are a million people out there that wouldnt pass on a deal like that, but this is the world of sports today and what we have to see. They talk about the veteran yankees such as derek jeter and jason giambi being ok with it, but what are they supposed to say? if they said they had a problem with it, Steinbrenner would release them tomorrow. Say what you will about him also, but the man does whatever it takes to win, and I cant knock him for that. This man is being paid 4.5 million a month to show up whenever the hell he wants to. I dont always get sports anymore. I know, same ol story, it is about business and money, but this is ridiculous to me. He should be going through spring training on the long season like everyone else. Anyway that is my 2 cents. I hope to be doing this more soon. Until next time.....
Go Cubs


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