I never thought I would waste any of my thoughts on Barry Bonds, but I had to vent on this guy some. Feel free to post your opinions when I am done cause I am curious to know what others think. I think the book was supposed to come out today about how he used and abused different types of steroids starting after the 1998 season. They claim it was mostly his jealousy for the what went on with Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa. He wanted that spotlight and wanted to hit that many homers so he got on the juice. Everyone has always been suspicious since he just ballooned into a giant all at once. He went from a 5lb head to a 42 lb head, and lost all his hair. His trainer recently pleaded guilty to the distribution of steroids and i believe is in prison now or soon to be. Also when the tests finally started to come full circle, bonds mysteriously had a series of knee and ankle injuries. That got me suspicious and today he left spring training for personal reasons, that the team claims were pre planned. Yeah I doubt that. Anyway, my debate is this. I think he has been on the juice and i dont care. I have never been much of a fan of his anyway. People have been discussing that if he were to be done with baseball today, found guilty, should his records be tarnished and should he be prevented from getting into the baseball hall of fame. Now I always said that Pete Rose belongs in the hall of fame for what he did on the field. Would I be a hypocrite in saying that Bonds now doesnt belong? Yes Pete bet on baseball which is a big no no. If he would have not waited 15 or 16 years to finally admit it, he would probably be in. Plus if Bud Selig was not the commisioner right now, he might be in too. Pete did not cheat in regards to playing the game though. Barry did, I have no doubt in my mind. I know there are a zillion kinds of steroids out there, but i have seen people take some, and have been offered them as well. I know some risks and side effects of taking them. Barry has shown plenty of those signs. Anyway, he still has to be able to hit a baseball. He is one of the best hitters I have ever seen, as far as mechanics and his ability to see the baseball. People will argue this to the grave, but some of the lazier fly balls that he hit early in his career are now finding their way of out the ball parks. In my personal opinion, if they prove he did and he is in any way done with baseball, I think his records and such should be erased from the game. I am sick of these idiots showing such disrespect for such a great sport. So if I am a hypocrite in thinking that Rose belongs I am sorry, but no one played the game harder than him. Please offer some opinions and this, but in my eyes Bonds is out and should be forever.
I don't think that was Pete Rose did was on the same level as what Barry Bonds did. He illegally used steroids to enhance his body's ability to perform. Pete Rose may not have had the best character, but he was at least true to being an athlete and played the game hard like you said. Bonds just doped himself up to become the stud and now he is learning the hard way that is wasn't worth it. I don't think that his records should stand, he didn't earn those homeruns the steroids did. He was a pretty good athlete before hand, but it wasn't until he started the steroids that he really stood out. Hopefully this whole ordeal will show other athletes the consequences of doing something like this and I hope he gets what is coming to him and not just get a slap on the wrist like they have been doing, they are given too many chances. We need to get back to watching good athletes who are true to themselves and play for the love of the game, not for all the hype.
Pete Rose broke the rules of baseball. Barry Bonds did not. Steroids were not banned in baseball. Barry has still NEVER tested positive for steroids since they became illegal. If Barry doesnt get to the Hall of Fame, should McGwire?? You KNOW he was juicing, probably even more than Bonds ever did. And who is to say that everyone in the Hall of Fame was clean?? Steroids have been around forever and baseball NEVER checked for them. Plus, where is the science proof that states steroids helps hit homeruns??? What, you might gain 3 ft. a hit by having bigger muscles. Homeruns went up because of a juiced ball and crappy pitching.
thanks for the comments, as for what anonymous says, well yeah keep mcgwire out too, sosa, palmerio, all of them. i dont need to see a positive test for barry bonds to be guilty. i have no doubt in my mind that he knowingly did steroids. does it help hit homeruns, yes it can. like i said that 3 feet may be the difference in hitting to the warning track or getting it over the fence. anyone remember brady anderson? check his stats and check when he was busted for steroids, his 50 homerun yeat just happened to be at that time and he was never a homerun hitter. they improve strength, bat speed, endurance, and just overall speed. anyway if pete stays out of the hall,i can live with that, but these other idiots better not get in.
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